8250 Jamaican Court
Review Theory—General is the fundamental review course that all reviewers of assignments involving income-producing and other nonresidential properties should have in their educational background. It is a required course for individuals pursuing the Appraisal Institute General Review Designation (AI-GRS, Appraisal Institute General Review Specialist).
At the core of this course is the review process. Participants explore the seven steps outlined in this process as they apply to nonresidential properties. To be a reviewer, an appraiser must learn how to develop opinions of completeness, accuracy, adequacy, relevance, and reasonableness relative to the work under review. These opinions must be refined through tests of reasonableness to develop reconciled opinions of appropriateness and credibility.The material provides a refresher on key valuation skills often required of reviewers, such as measuring financial feasibility in highest and best use analysis and various applications of the income capitalization approach. In addition, the course covers reporting reviews for income-producing property and the use of commercial review report forms, narrative reports, and oral review reports. Participants will gain practice in writing a scope of work statement for three types of assignments. They will also develop a template for a narrative review report on a property type of their choice (office, retail, apartment, etc.). By taking this course, participants will gain invaluable confidence in the fundamentals of review.
Please note: Designated Members and Candidates for Designation will receive the discounted AI Price for Advanced Education courses: Review Theory-General and Review Case Studies-General. All others will receive the Full Price.
Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to:
• Define review
• Distinguish between appraisal and review
• Evaluate the necessary knowledge and skills required to complete reviews
• Distinguish between trivial and material errors
• Identify types of review assignments and the process employed in the reviewer’s scope of work
• Recognize regulatory compliance issues for review appraisers
• Identify the steps necessary to effectively communicate the review
The Review Theory—General course is required for individuals pursuing the Appraisal Institute General Review Designation (AI-GRS – Appraisal Institute General Review Specialist). For more information regarding the requirements for the review designation, please click here.
If you are currently designated, click here for more information on the alternative path.
If you are currently a candidate for designation, or wish to become a candidate, click here for the specific designation requirements.