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There are many benefits to being on a committee. You should look for the right role in a group you have an interest in. Then focus on the types of opportunities that meet your professional development needs.
- Brand Building – After all, it’s not only about who you know.. It’s about who knows you. Gaining visibility by standing out via your efforts
- Network/Relationships Expansion: Active networking is vital to career growth. Networking is actually about building long-term relationships and a good reputation over time. It involves meeting and getting to know people who you can assist and who can potentially help you in return
- Leadership Opportunities – Through active participation as a committee leader, you will develop and enhance your leadership skills
- Management Skills – Coordinate with others with project management, planning and execution
- Skills/Personal Development – Acquire new and specialized skills through experience and hands on learning; gain knowledge which will directly translate into professional and personal development
- Teamwork Experience – if you are too used to working alone, this is one of the best opportunities to get involved with others who have similar interest
- Community Service – Joining a committee gives you the opportunity to serve the community, chapter and contribute to the growth and future success of the organization
- Pay it Forward – You’ll be able to give back to the real estate industry and community by making a difference through committee involvement
- Have you ever thought about; Your unique set of skills that provide you with the ability to accomplish tasks with ease and in some cases exceeding others?
- Have you ever thought about; Skills that you lack but are interesting in improving on?
- Have you ever thought about; Sharing your skills or obtaining them by venturing into projects with others who have the same interest?
- Have you ever wanted to; “Make a Difference” in the real estate industry and beyond!
Joining a committee can broaden your exposure and skills.
You contribute some of your skills and time; In return you get a host of career-assisting payback