Join Today for Great Marketing Exposure, Benefits and Community Support
Reach a new level of exposure for your company with our 4-Month Marketing Campaign & Annual Sponsorship Program!
The Sponsor Marketing Program is a great opportunity for networking and promoting your organization/company to top level Central Florida real estate professionals and local businesses to include:
Developers ● Planners ● Attorneys ● Bankers ● Brokers ● Construction Companies
Appraisers ● Engineers ● City & County Officials ● College Students & Representatives
Architects ● Investors ● Event Speakers ● amongst others
As a Sponsor, how will our company benefit?
- Your participation in this program will allow you and your company/organization to be recognized as a committed partner in the Central Florida Real Estate market.
- Two (2) Phase, Multi-Media Marketing Program: Sponsors will be provided with the opportunity to reach top-level professionals and industry leaders in the Central Florida real estate industry and gain mass exposure:
− Phase I – Year-round promotion of Your Company Logo, Website Link and Byline Commentary about your company on our highly resourceful East Florida Appraisal Institute Chapter Website
− Phase II – Mass exposure of your company as a sponsor of our highly acclaimed, annual Central Florida Real Estate Forum event which includes:
• A multi-media marketing campaign coordinated over a four (4) month period (120+ days); Before, During, and After the event…
• Media exposure includes a vast array of print, database emails, and social media along with exposure to top level event Partner members databases
• Extensive level of exposure at the event in our “Exclusive” Sponsor Exhibit Area to include program-related literature, signage, projector screen logo images, reserved table signage, etc.
PROGRAM LEVELS: Sponsorships are available at Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze levels enabling sponsors to select opportunities best suited to their objectives. We also offer custom programs to meet your individual company needs.
Click on the button for more detailed information and how to register to start your company exposure campaign today!
Our 2 phase, multi-media marketing campaign program provides a great opportunity for your company to
Gain Exposure; Before, During and After the event
The sooner your sponsorship begins, the more exposure your organization will benefit from
Please fill out the form below to become a sponsor today!