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February 12, 2019 @ 8:15 am – 5:00 pm
Embassy Suites Jamaican Court
8250 Jamaican Court

Updated Version Now Available!
NEW ways to solve appraisal problems…

Real estate markets and residential appraisal requirements have changed significantly due to market volatility and increased oversight which has left residential appraisers searching for new strategies to handle their appraisal assignments. This seminar revisits valuation fundamentals and illustrates why you need data collection and analytical skills more than ever. The seminar uses and is based on the 2018 updated 2nd edition of Valuation by Comparison. You’ll learn why clients need an appraisal, why you must have appropriate market data, and why it is imperative that you know your market. You’ll discover how to find the information you need in markets where data is scarce, inconsistent, or misleading. And you’ll explore techniques to accurately interpret and then anticipate the actions of buyers and sellers in today’s market. Whether you are an experienced appraiser or newer to the profession, you’ll learn about a variety of approaches and resources that are available for gleaning indications of market value, and you’ll better understand which items require adjustment and which items can be ignored.

Upon completion of this seminar, participants should be able to:

    • Identify factors that affect property prices.
    • Select the best tools for market analysis of residential properties.
    • Recognize consistency issues in residential appraisals.
    • Recognize common search errors and some search tools for use in the future.
    • Recognize how the back stories of comparable sales impact sale prices and value opinions in appraisals.
    • Understand the logic of sales comparison analysis and the methods for supporting adjustments.
    • Recognize and describe the commonly used sales comparison spreadsheets and their logic.
    • Extract and apply the rates of adjustment for sales comparison analysis.

Note.The book Valuation by Comparison, 2nd edition is included in the seminar registration cost.

This course is approved for 7 Hours FREAB and 75 AI Points